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Origen - Commentary on Matthew Book 15



GCS 40. “Commentariorum in Matthaeum libri 10-17.” In Origenes Werke, vol. 10. Edited by Erich Klostermann. Die grieschen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte, vol. 40. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1935.—column numbers denoted by [K###]

Transcription of Klostermann

I originally transcribed the text from Patrologia Graeca 13 (Migne) and have subsequently converted it to Klostermann, though the PG column numbers have been retained in the English text, denoted by [M####].

Sigla Key for Greek text
<> Inserted text (einzusetzen)

[] Text for erasure (zu tilgen)

*** Lacuna

• I use [] in the English text to denote words added for clarity in English but which have no counterpart in the Greek text.

• Klostermann uses a s p a c e d f o n t to denote Origen’s quotations of the Gospel lemmata throughout the commentary. I have represented this with the use of italics. It should be noted, however, that it is not always easy to decipher when/what text is spaced. Nor, does it seem, that the editors are always consistent in their practice.

• All OT chapter and verse numbering is from the LXX.