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Origen - Commentary on Matthew Book 16



GCS 40. Origenes Werke X. Commentarius in Matthaeum I (1. Aufl. 1935: Erich Klostermann/Ernst Benz)—column numbers denoted by [K###] A transcription available here:

Sigla Key for Greek text
[ ] Text for erasure (zu tilgen)

< > Inserted text (einzusetzen)

*** Lacuna

• Translation philosophy: While striving for clarity, I have not tried to produce an as fluid as possible English translation, but rather to reflect Origen’s syntax and diction when able. Certainly, some of Origen’s constructions remain opaque to me, but I have attempted to give a suitable reading of them pursuant to Origen’s argument at a given place. And I have called attention to my own translation questions in footnotes. I welcome any suggestions to clarify or improve the translation, and will be happy to acknowledge that indebtedness.

• I use [] in the English text to denote words added for clarity in English but have no counterparts in the Greek text.

• Klostermann uses a s p a c e d f o n t to denote Origen’s quotations of the Gospel lemmata throughout the commentary. I have represented this with the use of italics. It should be noted, however, that it is not always easy to decipher when/what text is spaced. Nor, does it seem, that the editors are always consistent in their practice.

• I have presented section breaks and paragraph breaks exactly as they appear in Klostermann.

• All OT chapter and verse numbering is from the LXX.