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Additional Note

ADDITIONAL NOTE.—A new installment has now appeared of the Patrologia Orientalis (XII. 5: Paris, 1919), containing a reprint of the Armenian text, with a translation into English by the discoverer, Ter-Mekerttschian, and Dr S. G. Wilson. This is followed by a much more accurate translation into French by the late Père Barthoulout, S. J., formerly a missionary in Armenia. Among other valuable notes he points out that the opening words of c. 97 have been wrongly separated from the preceding chapter. The next sentence would then appear to mean: "He is separated and withdrawn from among men, and (yet) wheresoever," etc.

On p. 78, n. 5. Compare the fragment attributed to Victorinus of Pettau, printed by Routh, Rell. III, 458: "Summum ergo coelum sapientiæ," etc. The common source may be "the Elders" or Papias.