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The Ophites the Progenitors of Subsequent Heresies.
Simon Appeals to Scripture in Support of His System.
Simon's System Expounded in the Work, Great Announcement; Follows Empedocles.
Simon's System of a Threefold Emanation by Pairs.
Simon's Interpretation of the Mosaic Hexaëmeron; His Allegorical Representation of Paradise.
Simon's Explanation of the First Two Books of Moses.
Simon's Explanation of the Three Last Books of the Pentateuch.
Fire a Primal Principle, According to Simon.
His Doctrine of Emanation Further Expanded.
Heresy of Valentinus; Derived from Plato and Pythagoras.
Origin of the Greek Philosophy.
Pythagoras' System of Numbers.
Pythagoras' Duality of Substances; His “Categories.”
Pythagoras' Cosmogony; Similar to that of Empedocles.
Pythagoras' Astronomic System.
The Tenet of the Duad Made the Foundation of Valentinus' System of the Emanation of Æons.
Valentinus' Explanation of the Existence of Christ and the Spirit.
Valentinus' Explanation of the Existence of Jesus; Power of Jesus Over Humanity.
The Valentinian Origin of the Creation.
The Other Valentinian Emanations in Conformity with the Pythagorean System of Numbers.
Further Doctrines of Valentinus Respecting the Æons; Reasons for the Incarnation.
Valentinus Convicted of Plagiarisms from Plato.
Secundus' System of Æons; Epiphanes; Ptolemæus.
System of Marcus; A Mere Impostor; His Wicked Devices Upon the Eucharistic Cup.
Further Acts of Jugglery on the Part of Marcus.
The Heretical Practices of the Marcites in Regard of Baptism.
The Quaternion Exhibits “Truth.”
Marcus' Mystic Interpretation of the Alphabet.
His System Applied to Explain Our Lord's Life and Death.
Letters, Symbols of the Heavens.
Respecting the Generation of the Twenty-Four Letters.
Marcus' Account of the Birth and Life of Our Lord.
Their Cosmogony Framed According to These Mystic Doctrines of Letters.
The Work of the Demiurge Perishable.
Marcus and Colarbasus Refuted by Irenæus.