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Pseudo-Clementine Literature

Book II

Power of Habit.

Curtailment of Sleep.

Need of Caution.

Prudence in Dealing with Opponents.

Simon Magus, a Formidable Antagonist.

Simon Magus: His Wickedness.

Simon Magus: His History.

Simon Magus: His History.

Simon Magus: His Profession.

Simon Magus: His Deception.

Simon Magus, at the Head of the Sect of Dositheus.

Simon Magus and Luna.

Simon Magus: Secret of His Magic.

Simon Magus, Professes to Be God.

Simon Magus, Professed to Have Made a Boy of Air.

Simon Magus: Hopelessness of His Case.

Men Enemies to God.

Responsibility of Men.

Disputation Begun.

The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.

Righteousness the Way to the Kingdom.

Righteousness; What It is.

Simon Refuses Peace.

Peter's Explanation.

Principles on Which the Discussion Should Be Conducted.

Simon's Interruption.

Questions and Answers.

Consistency of Christ's Teaching.

Peace and Strife.

Peace to the Sons of Peace.

Peace and War.

Simon's Challenge.


Order of Proof.

How Error Cannot Stand with Truth.


Simon's Subtlety.

Simon's Creed.

Argument for Polytheism.

Peter's Answer.

The Answer, Continued.

Guardian Angels.

No God But Jehovah.

The Serpent, the Author of Polytheism.

Polytheism Inexcusable.

Christ Acknowledged the God of the Jews.

Simon's Cavil.

Peter's Answer.

The Supreme Light.

Simon's Presumption.

The Sixth Sense.

Reductio Ad Absurdum.

Simon's Blasphemy.

How Simon Learned from the Law What the Law Does Not Teach.

Simon's Objections Turned Against Himself.

No God Above the Creator.

Simon's Inconsistency.

Simon's God Unjust.

The Creator Our Father.

The Creator the Supreme God.


Peter's Experience of Imagination.

Peter's Reverie.

Andrew's Rebuke.

Fallacy of Imagination.

Existence and Conception.

The Law Teaches of Immensity.

The Visible and the Invisible Heaven.

Faith and Reason.


Separation from the Unclean.

The Remedy.