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Origen - Commentary on Proverbs

Chapter 11


Verse 29.[221] “The one who is not continually conversing with his own house will inherit wind.” With a woman, “as with a vessel of those weaker” [222]; with children, in order that he may not become disheartened [223]; with a sister, being helpful in necessities; with servants, granting justice and fairness [224].

The “house” is our God in whom we move and exist [225]. The person who does not walk, then, in the commandments of God will be a co-inheritor with the hostile powers.[51]

Verse 30.[226] “From the fruit of the righteous the tree of life grows.” The “fruit of righteousness” is the goal of virtue. Someone who has trees of life such as this [also has] as many such fruits of righteousness. This “tree of life” is the one which grew in the middle of paradise, of which Adam was forbidden to grasp after [his] sin, having cast away the seeds of righteousness, from which the tree of life grows.