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Origen - Commentary on Proverbs

Chapter 3


Verse 1.[181] “Let your heart keep my words.” In accordance with the imperatives and the proscriptions of the law of God, the words of the wisdom of God announce the “unerring knowledge of what exists” [182]. Such is the case also with, “Out of Zion the law will go forth, and the word of the Lord out of Jerusalem” [183]. For the one who keeps the laws will acquire wisdom. For it says, “Sow righteousness for yourselves; gather in the season of life.” Then, following the practical [discipline], he introduces: “Shine for yourselves the light of knowledge” [184].

Verse 4.[185] “Do look for good things before the Lord and men.” If you do what you are involved with in wisdom, you will be a son of God, as it has said: “You made all things in Wisdom” [186].

Verse 8.[187] “Then there will be healing for your body, and care for your bones.” In the present life our bodies are sorely wounded, and they are in weakness, since “the flesh desires against the spirit” [188]. But whenever, having been sown in corruption, it will be ra[ised] in incorruption, it will be healed. And “care for bones” is whenever bone comes together with bone and joint with joint; then, according to the prophet, “Our bones, as vegetation, will flourish” [189]. Or, similarly: then, it says, in your body you will have just dealing, with your body shining with the healthy complexion of the virtues, and “care” from God for the thoughts in your depth, which bind tightly around the soul in the manner of bones.

Verse 9.[190] “Honor the Lord from your righteous labors.” Divine Scripture habitually uses the term “honor” as a payment. For it says, “Honor widows who are indeed widows” [191], instead of “Impart,” in order that you may not humiliate the widow by not speaking [directly] of almsgiving. The Savior also says: “It is written in the law: Honor your father and mother” [192], etc. Now it says “from righteous labors” in order that [the gift] may not be from robbery and greed. Yet let no one hesitate to give, for he will have no defense in light of the widow in the holy Gospel [193] who gave her whole livelihood, and was justified, not before those who gave [of things acquired] by theft, but before those who gave from [their] abundance. Every work of moderation and the rest of the virtues is a payment to God. For indeed we must give the first-fruits of all [our] produce to the Church and to the poor, and we must give to God the first-fruit of prayer when we rise up from sleep, and it is fitting to give the first-fruit of [our] words [through recitation of the] psalms. For so it will be said to you: “Blessed be your barns, and your inheritances” [194]. He means the things of the soul.

Verse 19.[195] “God, by wisdom, founded the earth.” Now indeed the faithful soul is the earth, which bears fruit a hundredfold over. This [soul], from the prosperity, which is wisdom, becomes wise, for God founded it upon [wisdom]. For he establishes for it the initiation of teaching, making it solid by wisdom, and [showing its[42]] continual advance, he turns [the soul qua earth] into heaven, the most pure creation, the habitation of angels and intellectual beings. As [the soul] acquires sense-perception of what exists, and considers the precision of things, it begins to divide and open up these things.[43]